Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Will my personal injury case go to trial?

The simple, upfront answer is, 'more than likely no’. When someone suffers an injury as a result of another individual’s negligence, here in New York, they are entitled to damages by way of filing a personal injury claim with the court, regardless of how the injury was incurred, whether from a vehicle accident, an act of medical malpractice, a pedestrian accident, a defective product, daycare abuse and negligence or any other type of accidental injury.

Many people, however, who fall victim to any of these scenarios or encounter injuries through other negligent acts are often hesitant to file any type of a claim for a variety of reasons. People, first and foremost, are typically afraid to file a claim because they are not familiar nor do they understand lawyers and courtrooms. Many people have no desire whatsoever to have to be involved in any type of a trial matter because of all the stress, demands, and the entire uncomfortable process involved, as well as the obvious fact that a case can take a good deal of time to come to a conclusion disrupting lives and families for months and sometimes even years.

Victims can certainly avoid all these unpleasant situations and all the uncertainty that goes along with it by hiring an experienced personal injury attorney to represent them. A New York Personal Injury Attorney will most assuredly simplify the claim, the case, and the overall process from start to finish and work their hardest to ensure that the final outcome is, indeed a fair one.
With a personal injury attorney presenting your case, the odds a very good that your personal injury claim will never make it to trial, but rather settle out of court.

One of the most obvious reasons for an out of court settlement is the simple fact that trials can take a long time and juries can certainly be unpredictable. In most cases, the parties involved in a personal injury claim are more apt to negotiate a settlement outside of court because they can have some degree of control over the final outcome of the claim rather than putting the final verdict and outcome into the hands of a judge and jury.

In addition, settling out of court ensures that parties involved can then avoid the many countless expenses and costs that come into play when a case goes to trial. Attorneys and parties involved in personal injury claims typically all have the same goal in mind - to settle the case as quickly and fairly as possible and avoid all the drama of a courtroom trial. For these reasons, and many more, statistics tell us that the typical personal injury case very rarely makes it to a full trial.

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