Monday, February 6, 2017

Winter Cautions - What to do if you Fall on the Ice

Slip and fall accidents are quite common, but surely in the winter they are more abundant. They are troubling because they can occur anywhere, at any time, to anyone. Though the weather conditions need not be snowy, slippery or icy to cause slip and fall accidents, these very conditions are frequently the culprits behind many a slip and fall incident. Slip and falls happen all the time and more than likely when they occur, they are not typically the fault of the "fall victim.” More times than not the fault will lie with the property owner where the fall occurred.

Property owners in New York State, whether owning buildings, parking lots, homes, walkways, or business establishments must adhere to a specific level of safety for those people who travel on their property. When a slip and fall occurs as a result of a property owner’s negligent care of their property, victims are many times entitled to compensation for their injuries, medical bills, and even for their loss of work. If you are involved in a slip and fall, it’s best to know the steps you need to take to protect yourself and your family.
Important Steps To Take
If you slip or fall, first and foremost, giving attention to your health is your number one priority. Obtain medical attention immediately if you have been injured so as to receive care for your injuries as needed and to have documentation of your accident and injuries should you decide to seek compensation for your incurred medical bills and expenses.
Next, make certain you report your slip and fall to the property owner, whether a business establishment, a family or friend’s house, or even a landlord. You want to make certain they file an appropriate report of the accident and provide you with a copy of that report. When reporting the incident always remain calm and at ease and limit your communications with the property owner once you have reported the incident. Be certain to gather pertinent information at this time such as names, phone numbers and even addresses of any individuals that may have witnessed the incident. Also collecting the name, address and phone numbers of the property owner should be accomplished at this time as well.
The next important step is that of taking photographs of the accident site in order to document the exact location and conditions of the property at the time of your fall. If weather played a factor, make certain that your photos display the weather conditions clearly as well. Log down the date, and time of your accident as well. Each is critical to your case should you decide to move forward with a claim. Remember weather conditions and other evidence that were present at the time of your accident can disappear over time, so your photos will surely be an important component of your potential claim.
Your final step following the incident is to contact an attorney, especially if you think there is a likelihood that you will be filing a legal action. Spend a bit of time performing your own due diligence when choosing your attorney. Hiring an attorney experienced in slip and falls is not only practical, but will indeed be beneficial to you in the long run.
The right law firm should have the experience, expertise and professional team and resources that will contribute to your successful slip and fall case. You don’t want to be accountable for medical bills or even the loss of your income because of somebody else’s negligence. Getting the appropriate consultation, legal advice and legal representation are key to winning your slip and fall case and to your overall health and well-being. At Popick & Rutman we offer professional consultations call us at (718) 321-7460or visit our website

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