Monday, December 19, 2016

Typical Nursing Home Negligence Cases, Including Falls, Injuries, Abuse…

 The number of nursing home negligence cases today are abundant and elderly home falls, injuries and abuse claims are remarkably common. Statistics tell us that the average nursing home will experience in the range of 150 to 200 falls in any one year. Though many falls for the average person do not result in serious injuries, elderly fall victims typically suffer from fractures, loss of function, disability, loss of their independence as a result of the fall and ultimately a loss in their overall quality of life, all of which are critical to the emotional and physical state of each and every elderly fall victim. 
Elderly falls and the serious injuries that are the result of them are proven to be the biggest and most widespread problems in nursing homes across the country and because the number of people living in nursing homes is continuously and steadily growing, year after year, the number of falls and the seriousness of the injuries will grow as well. With that said, the number of negligence cases, whether falls, injuries or even abuse, will grow as well. 

With the many types of claims that are filed against nursing homes, elderly abuse seems to have made its way to the top of the list. More often than not the family of victims will choose to bring a claim, arguing that the standard of care was seriously deviated from. To begin with, it is difficult to notice signs of emotional abuse or elderly psychological abuse. Studies have revealed that in most negligence cases it is discovered that nursing staff members terrorized, humiliated, intimidated and ridiculed elderly residents with some staff even ignoring the residents and isolating them from activities and other residents. 
Family members should give special attention to the overall mood and state of mind of an elderly family member and if you notice drastic changes, such as refusing to eat or speak, drastic mood changes or a disruption in sleep patterns then chances are your loved one is being abused in one way or another. At this point, you want to notify the resident psychologist, so they can perform an evaluation and interview of your elderly family member to determine if they are being abused in any way. If it is determined they are being abused, then your next step is to contact an attorney and file a claim. 
Physical abuse in elderly homes is just as common. This type of abuse can cause bodily harm, injury, and pain and it has been is discovered that many physical abuse cases include battery or even assault. When you take note of wounds, cuts, burn marks, scratches, bruises, sores, or even bite marks on your family member then rest assured your loved one is being physically abused by the nursing home staff and it is up to you to act on their behalf to protect them.

Nowadays, the negligence cases against nursing homes are so common, sad as it is. If you feel your loved one is being abused in any way at all, contact an attorney today and discuss your concerns and the potential of filing a negligence case against the nursing home and its staff. Protect our elderly from abuse by not turning your back and having the courage and strength to fight back on behalf of your loved one. Contact the law firm of Popick & Rutman today.

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