Monday, January 2, 2017

Winter is Coming, What to do Legally if you Slip or Fall

 Tis' the season for wintry conditions of ice, sleet, snow and freezing rain that are present in every parking lot, along every sidewalk, and nearly every entrance to every building. Each and every year the bitter cold winter weather conditions cause a wide range of serious injuries to people everywhere. For the majority of victims who fall prey to a slip and fall accident and injuries, they never really saw the accident coming. 

Regardless of where your slip and fall may occur, walking down a driveway, crossing over a crosswalk, walking into a building, or even walking through the parking lot at work, when the unsuspecting danger strikes and your incident unfolds right before your very eyes, your safety and well-being are no longer in your control. In many slip and fall accidents, the victim becomes seriously injured, causing permanent disabilities and in some cases, can result in serious life threatening conditions as well. Typically, victims of a serious slip and fall are never able to regain full recovery and simply go on living their life as they did pre-accident. For many, their lives are changed forever.

Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common lawsuits filed, especially during the dangerous winter months because of the excessive amount of snow, sleet, and ice that is present. Though a slip and fall can occur for a variety of reasons, the important element is determining who is at fault. For the most part when a slip and fall occurs the owner of the building or the business where you fall will be completely responsible for your injuries and damages. With that said, if you suffer a slip and fall, first notify the building or property owner of your fall, then get to a doctor and have your injuries diagnosed and defined, and follow up with the next important step which is contacting a reputable personal injury lawyer. 

A personal injury attorney will offer you a consultation wherein he or she will explain the entire process of filing a personal injury claim, discuss pertinent information and details about the accident, and ultimately decide whether or not they think you have a legitimate personal injury claim. In many cases, your attorney will find that negligent property owners are more often than not the cause of slip and fall accidents with dangerous conditions ranging from wet, slippery floors, cracked sidewalks and uneven surfaces, to defective handrails, parking lot defects, and slick icy conditions. 

Regardless of the cause, many times these types of slip and falls can present with severe injuries such as broken bones, trauma to the head, a fractured neck or spine, or even a wrongful death. With that said, it is critical that you do not attempt to handle your own personal injury claim, but rather be practical and smart by retaining a qualified and highly experienced attorney within this specialized field and let him or her guide you through the entire legal process and ultimately obtain the monetary damages to which you are entitled. If your in need of professional guidance feel free to visit Popick & Rutman and give us a call.