Monday, November 28, 2016

How to Handle a Faulty Product Liability Situation

 So you purchased a product and in just a short span of time learned that your product is faulty and/or defective, and you ultimately suffered injuries as a result of its defect. So what is a consumer to do? You are just an average Joe who purchased a defective, faulty product and have even suffered injuries along the way, but surely you have no idea how to handle a faulty product liability situation. 

Well, to begin with, most product liability cases are extremely complicated and indeed very challenging. The average case typically requires all sorts of expert analyses and testimonies. Depending upon the product itself and the resulting injuries, if any, your case may even require advance scientific evidence or even statistical evidence as well. With that said, the key to your product liability case is finding and hiring the experienced product liability attorney. 

When hiring an attorney for a product liability case, clients are required to pay on a contingent fee basis, although you will probably be required to pay costs up front like filing fees, deposition fees and even expert fees. Since these types of cases can be confusing and complicated, it is best to find yourself an attorney who is up for a challenge and remarkably competent and experienced in product liability. 


Product liability cases can be filed and pursued by individuals, but many times are filed as class action lawsuits since the faulty product injured or affected many people. If, however, you have been injured using a specific product and wish to pursue an individual faulty product liability lawsuit, then surely that is the approach you should take. Though you will be put under some serious scrutiny about the product itself, your use or misuse of the product and even your injuries suffered, hiring an experienced attorney who will properly represent you can and should be beneficial. 

When filing a product liability case, many times a good lawyer can have your case settled before it has to go to trial. However, if your attorney cannot settle, then the next step is to file suit. Keeping in mind that there is much at stake for the manufacturer of the product should you go to trial, including the fact that your individual case can open the door for many more lawsuits as well, there is a good chance that with a highly professional and experienced product liability attorney your case can settle out of court. The manufacturer’s fear of exposure from the case may force their hand to settle quickly, fairly and out of court. 

Monday, November 21, 2016

What to do if Injured on the Job in New York State

 Whenever an employee is injured on the job, it is important to know your rights. Our law firm is here to assist you and explain what to do if injured on the job in New York State. We offer a free consultation wherein we analyze your claim and determine what exactly we can do to help you during this difficult time. 

It is mandatory for all employers in New York State to carry Workers’ Compensation Insurance. Workers Comp is specifically designed to provide necessary medical care and a percentage of lost wages to an employee during the recovery period following their injury. When a work-related injury takes place the incident and claim are reported to the employer’s insurance carrier. 

The insurance company will determine a specific length of time that an injured employee is allowed to be out of work as a result of their injury. If, however, after this designated period of time you find you are still unable to work, then this is where the experience and know-how of our capable attorneys will come in. In this scenario, trying to represent yourself would not be in your best interest since the system and the insurance companies can be remarkably complex. 


As a Workers’ Compensation claimant you are entitled to hire an attorney to represent you and fight for your rights. With that said, we want every employee who has been hurt on the job to reach out to our superior team of lawyers for an informative free consultation. We will gather information from you, review your claim and determine what your rights are and what we can do to help you. Our attorneys are committed and dedicated to all our clients and strive to deliver top of the line legal representation. We will provide legal advice, handle all the necessary, and sometimes confusing, paperwork, and represent you in the courtroom as we strive to be awarded the maximum benefits that you deserve based upon your injury and any disabilities resulting from same. 

Insurance companies are famous for denying claims and/or sending injured employees back to work long before they are capable of doing so. This is where our expert attorneys come in. We are here to protect your rights. Insurance companies want to pay little to nothing at all to the worker, which is why it is in your best interest to contract with our team in order to best protect your rights and to make certain that you are properly compensated for your injuries. 

During your free consultation, we will explain the entire Workers’ Compensation process to you. In addition, we advise all our clients that in New York the Workers’ Compensation judge sets the attorney fee that would be awarded to us for the representation of your claim. Our fees are based on the amount of money awarded to you, the claimant, by the court as well as on the amount of work we perform on your behalf. There is no set fee or percentage fee since the fee is set by the Judge at his or her discretion. As a rule of thumb, the fees for a Workers’ Compensation attorney typically run about 15% of the award a claimant receives from the court.


First and foremost, you must report your injury immediately to your boss or your supervisor. You do have a maximum of 30 days from the date of the accident or incident to notify your employer to protect your rights. 
Next, get medical attention as soon as you can following the accident and be certain to tell your doctor that it is a work-related injury. 

To protect your rights under Workers’ Compensation Law, be certain to reach out to our highly experienced and professional team of attorneys for your free consultation. 
Finally, be certain to file a C-3 form that is required by the Workers’ Compensation Board within two years from the date of your accident. 

Every injured employee should be properly compensated for their lost wages, their injuries, and any disabilities they may suffer as a result of their work-related accident. Remember filing a Workers’ Compensation claim is not easy, so don’t lose out on what you deserve or jeopardize your rights. Contact us today. We look forward to serving you.