Monday, June 27, 2016


The season of summer is finally here. The weather is perfect for the outdoor activities. Many dog owners will definitely be taking their dogs for walks in the parks or on the streets. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, there is an increased risk of dog bites. 
A dog bite victim can take legal action against the dog owner. The dog owner may be found responsible for reimbursing the dog victim for:-
· Lost income
· Medical bills
· Property damage, and
· Pain and suffering
So what is the step by step process that a dog bite victim can take after being bitten? The purpose of this article is to provide the answer to this question. The following are the recommended steps to take should such a situation arise:- 

1. Identify the dog and its owner(s)
Immediately after the dog bite it is imperative to identify the dog and its owners. Get their home and work addresses and any other way that they can be reached. Also, get a few witnesses who saw the incident because they are the ones who are going to verify your version of events.

2. Take Photographs
Photographs provide great pieces of evidence. Taking pictures of all the injuries and of the place where the dog bite attack took place is very important as it will serve as evidence when seeking compensation . Make sure to take pictures of all wounds, bruises, torn flesh and torn clothes.

3. Seek medical help
Regardless of the severity of the bite, it is always a good idea to always get medical attention after the dog bite. Depending on how serious the bite is one can either dial 911 or proceed to the nearest clinic. Dog bites can be infected very easily. There is also a chance that the dog had rabies. 

4. File a dog report
Once treated, the dog bite victim should file a dog bite report with the relevant city or county authorities. This report will help the next victim to be attacked by the dog as it is a record of instances that the same dog has bitten a person. If a dog has bitten people many times then it poses a threat to society and should be exterminated.

5. Contact a Lawyer

Do not waste time in contacting a lawyer. Dog bite law is very intricate and complicated. One needs the help of a lawyer. The injury lawyer will know how best to handle the situation from that point onwards.